take an indented feat, you must first take the one above it.
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Early Bird: You can now act in the Early Morning block.
Night Owl: You can now act in the Late Night block.
Trend Setter: You get +2 Style.
Gymnast: You get +2 to Parkour checks.
Full Dual-Wield: You can make one attack for each weapon and not take a
move action.
Weapon Focus: You get +2 Pro to a weapon type of your choice.
Focus 2: When
someone attacks you with your chosen weapon type, they take a -2 penalty to
Improved Block: You get +2 to Blocks.
Monster Hunter: You get +1 to DMG and HIT when attacking non-human creatures.
Avenger: You get +5 DMG to your next attack after an ally is
Diehard: You can reduce an enemy's critical hit to a regular
hit at the cost of 10 MP once per day.
2: If an attack
would K.O. you, you have 1 HP instead.
3: After you
are K.O.'d, you become a ghost which can use all your powers for one turn. Then
you really die.
Brute Strength: Whenever you cause an enemy to become Grounded, they
take 3 damage.
Strength 2: If
you Stun a target with your Heavy Attack, they are moved backward 5 feet.
Taunt: You can Taunt as a Major Action. Your target gets -3
to hit, +5 damage. This doesn't work against anyone with a Will score of 15 or
2: In addition
to the above, your target gets -5 to hit anyone other than you.
Versatile: You get +1 Pro with weapon types other than your class
2: You get +1
Pro with weapon types other than your class ones. Again.
Heavy Chain: Make a Heavy Attack instead of a Basic Attack when you
Hunter: If your target is at 1/4 HP, you get +4 damage to
attacks made against them.
Assassin: If you are hidden from the
enemy, your first attack against them is a critical.
Rage: When you are reduced to 1/4 HP, you get +1 HIT &
+2 DMG to all attacks.
2: The above
bonuses increase to +2 HIT & +4 DMG
3: In addition
to the above, when raging you score a critical if you roll a 19 or 20.
Breaker: You get +1 to Hit when your target is blocking.
2: Ignore 2
points of your target's Armor.
Dodge Roll: Upon successful dodge, you can shift up to your Shift
speed at a cost of 5 MP.
Throwing Skill: You get +3 to hit with a non-thrown weapon that you
throw. See rules for throwing weapons.
Skill 2: In
addition to the above, the range of the attack becomes 15, and you get an
additional +2 to hit.
Handyman: If a weapon breaks, you can fix it in one block.
Techie: If an instrument or piece of music equipment breaks,
you fix it in two blocks.
Distance Runner: You get +10 to Run.
Sprinter: You get +5 to Shift.
First Aid: You can spend your turn to heal a target. You must be
adjacent to them and neither of you can take any actions. The target regains 5
Aid 2: The
target regains 10 HP.
Intimidate: You can use Intimidate as a Major action. Roll a d20
and add your Guts. Compare to target's Will +10. If you succeed, the target
takes -3 to Hit when attacking you.
Awareness: When enemies are flanking you, they do not get a bonus
to Hit.
2: You get +2
to defend against ranged attacks.
3: You get +3
to counter-stealth checks, and enemies' Invisibility bonuses to hit are reduced
by 3.
Stealth: You get +3 to Stealth checks.
2: You get +3
to Stealth checks. Again.
Thievery: You can use Thievery as a Major action. Make the check
d20 + Smarts vs. Senses + 10 to
steal a small item off of someone who isn't aware of you.
Extended Critical: Add 1/2 WPN DMG to all criticals.
CQC: You can use Grapple as a Major action. You must be
adjacent to your target. Make the check d20 + Power + Unarmed Proficiency vs.
Power + 15. If you succeed, the target becomes grappled. You must re-roll this
check on your turn and the target's turn if they are still grappled.
2: If you have
a grappled target, you can make a Basic Attack against them, ignoring their
Armor entirely.
Arcane Strike: You can get +5 DMG on a non-magic attack at a cost of
5 MP (Adept only).
Full Attack: Full Attack uses your entire turn. You get +5 to Hit,
+5 DMG, and the target gets an Opportunity
Attack. Melee only.
Swordplay: You choose whether to use Power or Speed when
attacking with a sword.
Disarm: You can use Disarm as a Major
action. You must be wielding a melee weapon. Make the check d20 + Power vs.
Smarts +10. If you succeed, you disarm your target.
Feint: You can use Smarts instead of
Power or Speed when attacking with a sword, at the cost of 5 MP.
Bullets: You
can Block against guns and bows when wielding a sword.
Sniper: You get +2 to Hit when crouching or prone if you do
not move. Guns and bows only.
2: You get an
additional +2 to Hit when prone if you do not make a Move action. Guns and bows
3: You can
shoot a specific area of the target's body if you take a -6 penalty to Hit.
Guns and bows only.
Gunslinger: You can make 2 Basic attacks as a Major action.
2: When your
target is within 5 feet of you, you get +3 to Hit and +4 DMG.
3: You can make
3 Basic attacks as a Major action, and the range of the above attack increases
to 10.
Fast Reflexes: You get +3 to your Initiative.
Master of Shred: You can choose whether Heal does positive or
negative damage (Musician only).
Pro Sk8tr: You can make Basic attacks while riding on a
Sk8tr 2: You
get +2 to defend against melee attacks when riding.
Sk8tr 3: Pick one
class power. You can now perform that power on your skateboard.
Combo Up: If you make a Light attack and hit, you can perform
another Light attack instead of a basic attack. You cannot make more than 3
attacks in this way.
Up 2: If you
roll a natural 16-20 on Light attack, you combo.
Up 3: You can
now make up to 4 attacks in one combo.
Finisher: Every
member of your band must have this feat for it to work. If every member of your
band devotes their turn to their avatar, multiply the bonus by two.
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