About TOG

This One Game, or TOG, is a tabletop role-playing game, similar to D&D. You create a character and decide what he/she does in battles and relationships. Setting-wise, TOG is based heavily on Scott Pilgrim's universe. It is a very similar world to our own modern-day Earth, but average people have fights with swords and guitars, and can shoot energy beams from their chest when they are in love. The character development system is set up around social interactions, and the fighting system borrows from traditional fantasy RPGs as well as video games like Street Fighter and Pokémon.

One cool thing about TOG is that, given its similarity to real life, you can use it as a gamification/LARP system, using yourself and your actual social status in the game (i.e. get a life and you will succeed in the game). Anyone who enjoys Scott Pilgrim, RPGs, or gamification will enjoy This One Game.

To play TOG, you will need a d20, a d10, a printer (or just some paper and a pencil, if you hate yourself) and a copy of the rules, which as of right now are a blog.

Keep in mind that as of now, TOG is a work in progress, and not everything a DM could hope for is present on this site yet. Make shit up until I do, and if it's good shit, comment!

Have fun!
Love, BP

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor claim to own, D&D, Pokémon, Street Fighter or Scott Pilgrim.

Also: If you like TRPGs, check out Myth, a rules-light fantasy system. I made it. It's pretty great.

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