Stat Mods: -7 HP, +3 MP, +1 Speed, +1 Shift, +1
Weapons: Daggers, Thrown: +4 Pro Others: -5 Pro
Ninja Power 1: Stealth (Tech)
With a ‘Paf!’ you disappear from the battlefield.
Major Action • 10 MP
You become Invisible for a number of turns equal to 1 + 1/7 level.
Ninja Power 5: Graze Attack (Special)
You just graze your target, not affecting his condition.
Major action • 5 MP
Hit = Speed + Pro + ½ level • Range = 10
Damage = Speed
This attack can be used against an enemy in any condition. It does not change their status. At the end of attack you land 5 feet behind your target.
Ninja Power 10: Spreader (Mass)
You throw your weapons in an arc, hitting several enemies.
Major Action • 15 MP
Hit = Senses + Pro + ½ level • Range = WPN
Damage = WPN + Power
You can throw up to 2 + ¼ level weapons.
Ninja Power 15: Flash Step (Maneuver)
You take a single step and move to the opposite end of the fight.
Move Action • 10 MP
You move your Run speed and are not subject to opportunity attacks.
Ninja Power 20: Extreme Speed (Set-Up)
You accelerate towards your enemy at 1000 KPH.
Major Action • 15 MP
Hit = Pro + ½ level vs. Senses + 5 • Range = 20
Damage = WPN + Speed x 2
If you cannot move 40 feet in a straight line, you cannot make this attack. The target becomes Tripped, regardless of whether you hit. At the end of the attack you land 20 feet from the target.
Ninja Power 25 A: Shuriken Storm (Light Mass Ultimate)
You become a whirlwind of cold steel.
Major + Move Action • 25 MP • Daily
Hit = Senses + Pro + ½ level • Range = 50
Damage = WPN + Speed + Power
You can target as many enemies as you have shuriken.
Ninja Power 25 B: Death Leaf Sift Strike (Heavy Special Ultimate)
You slowly turn into golden maple leaves, then rise up from behind your opponent and strike at supersonic speed.
Major + Move Action • 30 MP • Daily
Hit = Oh, don’t worry. It hits. • Range = Run
Damage = WPN + Speed x 10
This attack always hits no matter what.
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