

How do you contact someone who lives across town to tell them that the final boss fight is tomorrow?! Your party will need to Communicate.

To Communicate with another phone, roll a d20 and add your device's Outgoing score. If this number is equal to or greater than the other device's Reception score, you succeed your communication check. Of course, this only works if the person you are making the check with has their phone near them. You can make only one communication check per person per block.

Cell Phone: Outgoing=5, Reception=11, Price=$20
Smart Phone: Outgoing=7, Reception=9, Price=$100, can use Apps.


In order to travel across large distances, you will need some form of Transportation. This can be anything from a skateboard to a taxi.

Speed is measured in districts per block, so if a vehicle has a Speed of 3, that means you can travel 3 districts in one block of time.

Skateboard: Speed=3, Price=$40
Bike: Speed=5, Price=$200

To use the bus or the taxi, you must have a communication device.

Bus: Speed=8, Price=$1 per trip
Taxi: Speed=10, Price=$5 per district traveled

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