
Long Jump: The distance you jump is equal to your Power / 2. If you get a running start of 10 feet (included in this action) you use your full Power.
High Jump: The height you jump is equal to your Power / 2.
Pull Yourself Up: If you are holding on to a ledge with both hands, roll a d20 and add your Power, then compare to the ledge's DC. If you succeed, you pull yourself up to the ledge. If you fail, you stay where you are. If you only use one hand, divide your entire check by 2. If an ally helps you get up, add their Power to the check.
Wall Run: You must have a running start of 10 feet. Check Speed + d20 vs. length of the wall.
Scale: Same as Pull Yourself Up, but result is simply progressing to the next handhold.
Swing: If you are holding on to a handheld, you can move a number of feet horizontally away from the handheld equal to your Power minus 1/2 the DC of the handheld. Once you move the distance, if you haven't gotten a hold of anything, you fall.
Ledge Grab: Only make this check if you are in the air. Otherwise you automatically succeed. Roll a d20 and add your Power, then compare to the DC of the ledge. If you succeed, you grab the ledge and are steady. If you fail, you fall.

Falling: If you are falling, you take a -5 penalty when making any of these checks. Falling damage starts at 20 feet.

When not in combat, take 20 on all of these checks. When in combat, don't, and if anyone attacks you while you are scaling a wall, make the check you needed to make to get to the spot you are currently at, and take a -10 penalty.

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